Sunday, November 6, 2016

6 Steps to Effective Communication

Distinguish yourself as an effective leader by applying these six communication skill strategies. In fact, these strategies are so powerful, they even work at home.
Effective leaders are known for being excellent communicators. Here's what to do.
  1. Avoid "No", "Can't" or "Won't" and any other negative words. Negative talk encourages arguments and hinders problem resolution by redirecting focus. It also creates a negative impression. For example, when you say, "I can't," you appear helpless and ineffective. Instead, focus on the positive by focusing on what you can do.
  2. Deal with impossible requests by 1) acknowledging the request, 2) empathizing with the other person's feelings, 3) saying, "I wish I could fix it." and 4) suggesting a reasonable alternative." For example, imagine that you work at a resort and it is raining. A guest walks up to you carrying a golf bag, slams it against your desk, and shouts, "This place stinks! I spent thousands of dollars coming here and it's raining." You respond by saying, "You're right it's raining. And I know how upsetting it must feel to travel this far and be stuck inside. I wish I could make it stop. In the meantime, you may want to visit our indoor putting center. Our golf pro is offering instructions this afternoon."
  3. Deal with difficult requests by 1) affirming your willingness to help and 2) asking the other person to help you plan a solution. For example, if your boss asks you to start another project, you could say, "I understand you want me to start a new project. And right now I'm working on another project. To help me set my priorities, I wonder which one you want me to finish first."
  4. When possible, offer choices that show the consequences of different options. This allows the other person to choose both the process and its impact. For example, you can say, "That's a great idea. And there are different ways I can meet your request. We can use our existing supplies, which are free, or we can buy custom materials, which will cost $500. Which option would you prefer?"
  5. Deal with complaints by asking the other person to describe a fair settlement. You can say, "What do you want?" or "What would you consider a fair solution to this?" or "What would make you happy?" 
  6. A smile significantly affects how you sound. It also makes you more approachable. When you frown, other people hear anxiety, caution, fear, and rejection. A smile (or at least a pleasant expression) encourages open communication.
Ravinder Tulsiani is the Author of the #1 BESTSELLER: “Your Leadership Edge”, an innovative step-by-step leadership training program that will help you develop a highly engaged and super-charged workforce... get your copy at